
The 25-item Behavior and Symptom Identification Scale-Teen, BASIS-T®, is a behavioral health assessment tool designed to assess the outcome of mental health or substance abuse treatment from the adolescent’s perspective. Typically, BASIS-T® is given at admission and discharge for inpatient or residential programs, and at intake/initiation of treatment and then periodically thereafter in partial hospital or outpatient settings. Grounded in the latest scientific methods of survey development and validation, the BASIS-T® underwent extensive testing as part of a multi-year research and development process.

BASIS-T® inquires as to the degree or frequency of difficulty that the adolescent respondent has been experiencing during the past week. The 25 items are scored using a weighted average algorithm that gives an overall score as well as scores for six subscales. The 25 items assess five major areas of difficulty and/or distress including: Attention/Anxiety, Depression/Self-Harm, Social Anxiety, Substance Use, and Emotional/Behavioral Regulation.

BASIS-T® is designed for use by mental health providers, researchers, purchasers of mental health services, accreditation agencies, and internal quality assurance departments to measure the change in consumer self-reported symptom and problem difficulty over the course of treatment. BASIS-T® is not diagnosis-specific, but was designed to cut across diagnoses, acknowledging the wide range of symptoms and problems that occur across the diagnostic spectrum. 



The BASIS-T® is a copyrighted survey available with two levels of service. A user can...

Level One: License the survey and use the scoring formula provided to do scoring independently

Level Two: License the survey and also add the WebScore scoring and reporting option (desktop or tablet)



Use of BASIS-T® requires an end-user license approved by McLean Hospital. In order to receive a license for BASIS-T use, please compete an inquiry.  A member of the eBASIS team will contact you directly to provide more information on BASIS-T license fees, services and agreements.